Sunday, February 19, 2012

Almost 31 Weeks!

I'm writing this post at 4am.  I've been up for most of the night itching like crazy.  The medicine is not working well anymore.  This is night 2 or 3 that I can't sleep.  I have lovely bruises all over my body from scratching, better than drawing blood I'm told.  The Benadryl I take to try to knock myself out and help with a little itching isn't working either.  I was hoping it wouldn't get this bad yet.  We still have at least a week (8 more nights) until I am willing to deliver.  :)  I'm pretty sure my days and nights are going to reverse soon, napping during the day is the only good sleep I get.

Per my last comment above, that is my excuse for not blogging much this week.  I sleep so much of the day now.  This week we were anxious for Friday's measurement of the babies growth.  Friday morning was torture waiting for the doctor who turns out wasn't coming until later in the day...  He showed up around lunch time.  It was one of my longest sonograms yet during which he was silent a lot and then checking my chart a lot.  This is the specialist that tends to give us all of our bad news so I was laying on the table dying!!!  He gave me their new sizes:

Ethan is 3lb and 12oz, gain 10oz
Alex is 2lb and 13 oz, gain of 6 oz
Emma is 2lb and 7oz, gain of 4 oz

Emma's gain just met the minimum growth requirement so we were cleared to keep waiting.  But after the measurements he completely freaked me out buzzing the babies trying to make them move a TON of times then having me roll to one side and while he shook and buzzed my belly.  I was so worried they had stopped moving.  My kiddos are super active so I was a bit perplexed and of course scared something drastic had changed.  But it turned out all he wanted to see was practice breathing...  I hadn't had lunch yet which apparently makes them do this more so he was trying to tick them off and get them to do it.  Finally we are finished and the doctor, notoriously moody, was silent, so I said sonogram Monday and I assume everything else is ok?  He said yep and I left figuring I'd speak with my OB about the next milestone.

Of course I haven't seen my OB yet so I don't know what our next milestone will be.  Yuan and I think that we will get to keep trucking through this 31st week but don't know what will happen at 32 weeks.  We don't know if at exactly 32 weeks we will deliver or if they will let us continue to 32 and 5 days when we are due for another growth check.  If Emma had grown this time a little more I think they might let us go later in the 32nd week but now I'm not so sure.  The on call OB today said he would love to see us get all the babies over 3lbs, us too!  We think Alex has a chance if we can go to late 32 weeks but Emma probably won't make it.

Other than those 2 big items nothing else much new.  I had another week of amazing visitors to keep me company, thank you so much ladies for your visits and lunches and treats!!!  I'm really wearing out on hospital food.  I have most of next week free for visits :)  Tuesday is taken but if anyone has any time the rest of the week I would be happy to see you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have loved reading your updates on yourself and the babies! You have such a great attitude and sense of humor that will serve you well when the babies are here :) what a blessing!
    Angie Maupin
